Summer Mango Tropical Drinks Recipe :
Who does not like to drink juice during summer, everyone wants our body to be cool and we feel very fresh, for that we are telling you how to make Tang Mango Tropical at home. And it gets ready very quickly and there is a lot of taste in drinking, so let us tell you how to make it. Preparation time - 10 minutes
How to Make Taeng Mango Topical How to Make Tango Mango Topical We will tell you how to make mango juice for summer days, it helps a lot in keeping our body cool in summer.
quantity for 3 person
Preparation time - 10 minutes
Ingredients for Mango Drinks
- Lemag Grass (1 lemma leaf)
- Raw Coconut Cream (1 cup)
- Coconut water (2 to 3 cups)
- Tang Mango Powder (4 tsp)
Summer Tropical Drinks Recipe (Mango Juice Recipe) :-
In the recipe of Homemade Summer Drink Non Alcoholic Recipe, we will first take a mixer jar and in the jar we will first cut the lemon grass into small pieces with the help of a knife and put it in the mixer jar.
Then we will put coconut cream in the same mixer jar and add 3 cups of coconut water to it, adding coconut water and coconut garland makes its taste very prominent and it looks very tasty to drink.
After this, we will put 4 spoons of tank mango in it and grind it with the help of a mixer.
When all the mixture is cooked, we will take it out in a bowl and see if it has become thin and smooth, now our Homemade summer drink recipe is ready.
You will put it in a glass glass and serve it by pouring mint leaves on top. Fresh Instant Summer Drink Recipe is ready and enjoy it.
Some tips while making Summer Topical Drinks Recipe:
While making Healthy Refreshing Drink Make at Home, if you do not find any ingredients like lemongrass, then you can use mint leaves or lemon leaves instead.
Use only fresh cream of coconut, it makes our drink dark and yummy too.
A lot of sugar is also found in Tang Mango Tropica, so we do not need to add sugar separately.
Summer Mango Tropical Drinks Recipe:
How to make mango juice (enjoy tangy mango topical in summer) we have told you in the comment section and if you want to know about any other drink, then tell us. You can definitely let us know by commenting.